
#007 - TinyDice - Dice on an ASIC

A project log for Circuit Golf: Electronic Dice Edition

Creating Electronic Dice with the least number of components in the most obscure technologies

timTim 09/03/2022 at 10:244 Comments


Entry by: Tim

Technology:  Skywater 130nm CMOS

Size: 3 DFF, 1 NAND, 1 AND, (1+ AND for clock gating)  ~ 10x10µm² on the IC.

This is a submission for tinytapeout that combines 500 very tiny digital designs into a single ASIC to be manufactured by eFabless open shuttle program. The maximum allows space on the die is 100x100µm² and the design can use 8 inputs and 8 outputs. Both, of course, still rediculously oversized for a minimized electronic die!

Design entry was done using Wokwi, shown above and linked here. The design is based on the non-inverting johnson counter shown before. Since both positive and negative outputs are available, the decoding logic reduces to a AND and a NAND.

The schematic entry is converted to a verilog source by Wokwi:

 assign io_out[0] = net3;
  assign io_out[1] = net4;
  assign io_out[2] = net5;
  assign io_out[3] = net6;

  and_cell gate1 (
    .a (net9),
    .b (net10),
    .out (net4)
  dff_cell flipflop2 (
    .d (net3),
    .clk (net12),
    .q (net10)
  dff_cell flipflop3 (
    .d (net10),
    .clk (net12),
    .q (net5),
    .notq (net13)
  dff_cell flipflop4 (
    .d (net5),
    .clk (net12),
    .q (net9),
    .notq (net3)
  nand_cell gate7 (
    .a (net10),
    .b (net13),
    .out (net6)
  and_cell gate9 (
    .a (net1),
    .b (net2),
    .out (net12)

Then a github action in a github repository fetches this, performs synthesis, placement, routing and layout generation.

The generated layout is shown above. Only a tiny part of the actualy space is used. And even that is mostly occupied by the scan chain shift registers, that are used to read/write to the 16 I/O pins.

Another design I handed in averaged 50000 cells/mm² for mixed cell types. Based on that, we can assume that the 5 cells occupy 0.0001 mm² or about 10x10µm², one percent of the allowable space. I guess this is surely the smallest electronic die, but maybe not the most efficient one.


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 09/06/2022 at 16:54 point

Well played !

What about the RESET of the state ?

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Tim wrote 09/06/2022 at 17:33 point

Yeah, somehow the DFF in  Wokwi are missing a reset input. I used a non-inverting Johnson counter, hoping that they are initialized all in the same state (either 111 or 000), which are both valid.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 09/08/2022 at 10:13 point


yeah it's going to go up in flames then ;-)

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Tim wrote 09/08/2022 at 11:46 point

Very hard to make DFF cell that is not biased and will come up in a random state :) I'll take my chances.

But it's a good point regarding the Wokwi flow, I asked in the discord.

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