
Endless Endless Eight

A solar-powered AVI video player which plays "Endless Eight" episodes endlessly. Utilizes ULP/ESP32. Let's see the never ending summer again

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"Endless Eight" is a title of eight episodes from the legendary anime series " The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2009)" (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) by Kyoto Animation.

**Spoiler alert**

The episodes are characterized by the fact that they follows the (almost) same storyline to indicate a temporal loop the main characters got trapped in in a mid of August.
Some criticize it's boring and disappointing, and some say it's avant-garde and impressive.
Anyway, the point is that the time loop is not finished in just eight loops but actually there were ten thousand elapsed.

This device here is a self-sustained AVI player to replay hundred years of the summer days.

- ESP32 to play MJPEG-AVI video files from microSD at 24 fps.
- Utilizes ULP coprocessor for BAT voltage monitoring, Deep Sleep management etc.
- 5V solar panel and Lipo battery as the main power source.

Project status: 

  • Designing a 3d printed enclosure



  • Ordered PCB ?  (more soldering!)

Topics to be logged:

  • Programming ULP (ESP32-Arduino, PlatformIO) 
    • ulptool-pio
  • Workaround for an issue of MQTT client instability under intermittent WiFi connection
  • A serendipity about CH340 and Sabrent USB Hu

  • 1 × ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 Lite
  • 1 × ST7735 80x160 LCD module (Green tab)
  • 1 × MicroSD Card (>= 2 GB)
  • 1 × 5V 2W solar panel

  • EEE Enclosure

    likeablob03/09/2022 at 17:14 0 comments

    It's time to launch OpenSCAD to make a dish for my spaghetti.

    The main LCD of EEE is just 0.96' and it's a bit tiny to see from 1~2 meters away.
    So I decided to use a trick for enlarging the display visually; a Fresnel lens.

    This CRT-like shape is actuallyoriginated from the dimension of the lens I've bought.

    Let's see this trick works as expected or not. 

  • Drawing schematics, soldering spaghetti

    likeablob03/07/2022 at 16:09 0 comments






    The schematic and KiCad files are available under

  • Finally it's running stably (hopefully)

    likeablob02/23/2022 at 16:39 0 comments

    (Battery voltage, Brightness, millis() reported, respectively)

    Still in stability testing by leaving the breadboard circuit by the window.

    It was a bit cloudy day but from the log, the device successfully has completed 6 episodes (24 min each * 6 = 144 minutes) of EE. Also based on the battery voltage observed, the battery has been charged in total eventually.

View all 3 project logs

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