
Building a Reconstruction Filter for the DAC

A project log for PlainDAQ - DAQ Module for Raspberry Pi Pico

Open Source DAQ module for Raspberry Pi Pico

alperenAlperen 05/09/2022 at 10:340 Comments

Developing a reconstruction filter for the DAC in PlainDAQ, to get nice looking sinewaves.
Compared Sallen-key(SK) and Multiple feedback(MFB) topologies.
MFB performed much better in the stop-band.

LTSPICE files:

I had to choose between sallen-key or Multiple feedback topology, so I compared them.

Here are the circuits that I compared:

FSTh7YkXsAA9D6r (1185×891)Here are the results:

FSTilZDWQAEkgYG (1333×888)Multiple feedback performed much better in attenuating the stop band.

Added them to the schematic in my KiCAD project. I also added a switch to switch between filtered and non-filtered DAC output to see the difference between, it's going to be a fun little experiment.

With the help of the switch I will be able to generate square waves with faster rise-time by using the non-filtered DAC output which is a plus.

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