
Real Power Armor! LUCKI Mark I HAPPA

Localized Uniform Control Kinetic Integration Mark I Hybrid Active/Passive Powered Armor (Special Category: Exosuit)

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The cheapest real-life powered exoskeleton money (or the lack thereof) can buy!

A hybrid passive/active power armor made with relays, electrical recliner motors and a 40V LiIon battery. Powered arms and elastic/springs support weight in the legs.

Aesthetics based upon the Hrunting/Yggdrasil Prototype from "Halo Legends"

The first steps walking:

Some of the build Process:

A chronology of my previous projects, leading up to the powerarmor:

The power armor is a Hybrid Active/Passive Powered Armor (HAPPA) made cheap as possible.  By using simple relays and electrical linear actuators to articulate the arms, diagnosis, maintenance & repair is easier than using multiple motor controller systems.

The legs are passive, meaning the armor's weight (currently 113lbs) are supported on the joints via elastic cords and springs.

While not particularly practical, it is a showcase of what can be done on a limited budget with a little creativity.


Motor control circuit

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 117.08 kB - 03/30/2022 at 18:43


Xenos Fear Me!smol.mp4

First Demonstration of the powered armor

MPEG-4 Video - 7.14 MB - 03/30/2022 at 18:40


smol fury.mp4

Second Demonstration of the powered armor

MPEG-4 Video - 7.61 MB - 03/30/2022 at 18:40


Blender Armor.mp4

Third Demonstration of the powered armor

MPEG-4 Video - 6.35 MB - 03/30/2022 at 18:40


  • 9 × DPDT automotive relay
  • 18 × High Voltage/current switch
  • 8 × 4" 12 V Linear Actuator

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