
More info about the concept

A project log for Printon Turbine - 3D printed pelton turbine

A mostly 3D printed pelton turbine

fabianFabian 04/19/2022 at 15:520 Comments

So far the description of this project is a bit thin, which is why I want to give some more information about the planned concept.


The basic idea is that with the help of the printon_turbine the manufacturing, assembly and installation of a renewable energy source powered by hydroelectric power is easy to realize even for beginners.

A large part of the parts should be able to be produced with a standard 3D printer. This means that the components do not have to be laboriously manufactured. They can easily be made on a 20x20x20 cm print bed of a standard 3D printer. As far as possible, the remaining parts should consist of standard mechanical parts that are readily available and, if possible, also reusable.

In the event of any damage to the system, it should be easy to reprint and replace the required parts.

In addition, the system should be as compact as possible and easy to transport. In this way, the system could be manufactured at a central location, assembled and then delivered to the location where it is actually needed. Here I think back to the beginnings of the Corona period, when "face shields" were manufactured in many fablabs and then delivered to surrounding hospitals.


For all of the following application scenarios, an important structural or geographical requirement is necessary: A difference in height and sufficient water at the upper level.

The water at the higher level thus has potential energy, which is (with the help of the printon_turbine) first converted into kinetic energy and then (with the help of the generator) into electrical energy .

From my point of view the following possible usecases should be possible:


Of course, high power outputs cannot be achieved with a system of this size. In my opinion, there are two major limiting factors.

I will present my current ideas and solutions for these goals in another log. :)
