
One touch cozy mood

One touch cozy mood makes the ambience more comfortable and according to users mood after a long tiring day at work.

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The project aims to deliver a real-time output of a system by using raspberry pi in C++ language, we are interfacing fingerprint sensor (R305), speaker via Gpio ports and Bluetooth connectivity respectively. This paradigm is brought into existence to lighten-up user's moods especially after a long day at work, by adjusting the ambience according to their mood with just one touch, hence the name "oneTouchCozyMood" which came after a lot of contemplating on several catchy names and this seemed apt for the project and its promotion on social media. The logo displayed below strives to show explicitly what the project is really about and goes with the name as a classic medley of both name and logo, which gives the user relaxing and fun vibes at first glance.

As shown in the circuit RGB LED light, R305 fingerprint sensor, and switches are connected to a raspberry pi. RGB LED light is used for various state indications of the system such as PLAY/STOP/PAUSE, ON/OFF, and, Heartbeat. Also, tactile switches are used. The first switch is used for the ON/OFF of the product. The middle switch is used for playing and pausing of song light. For instance, if a person wants to pause the song/light due to some interruptions then the person can just press the middle switch. The last switch is used as a stop switch which will stop and clear the playlist. The R305 fingerprint sensor is used to scan user's fingerprints in order to list and play their particular playlist.

Watch Project Demo of One Touch Cozy Mood!

Also, Check the Video Demo of the working process of our project here!

The future scope of our project can be observed that in the long run, the updates for this device will include more accessibility for the user in terms of remote control access such as smartphone applications to use the smartphones fingerprint sensor to be able to switch things with just one touch, for instance, connect a TV via Bluetooth connectivity, however different fingerprint data will be allocated to a specific user so that one will be able to turn on TV with one fingerprint and put on the relaxing ambiance with the other one from the application itself.

We made our open-source learning tool in such a way that it can reach as many people as possible, and we have focused on our online presence. The project's development has been updated to the users from the start. We outreached through twitterinstagram, and youtube. Thanks to this social media outreach, we were able to reach out to the spectators.

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One Touch Cozy Mood presentation.pptx

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View all 7 files

  • 1 × Raspberry pi 3 B+
  • 1 × Fingerprint sensor R305
  • 1 × Bluetooth speaker
  • 1 × Led lights
  • 1 × C++ embedded programming

View all 6 components

  • Github

    Chasmitha Vadlamudi07/31/2022 at 01:02 0 comments

    In every person's life, there is so much stress like work, office, etc. So, home is the only option where a person can relax and leave all the stress behind. So we came up with an idea where you can create your own playlist and set an ambient light according to your mood with just one touch. This product has multiple user support where multiple people can set their playlist with the help of fingerprints used in this project.

    You can gain more information and knowledge of our project via Github page, where you can easily access and download the code.

View project log

  • 1
    Installation Quick Guide

    To start this project :- 

    ^ After downloading the zip, you will see oneTouchCozyMood folder in that, there are five folders: 1) Data, 2) Delete_Users, 3) Enroll_Users, 4)Music_Player, 5)Unit_Test

    ^ Run the below commands to download our source code and build it

    ^ Then, look into our circuit design as shown below. Also, you can refer to pictures and videos for connecting components

    ^ Open unit test folder(use for checking the working of hardware) -- Click on build -- Then click on enroll ---then click on execute in terminal

    ^ Open Enroll folder -- Click on Build-- Then click on enroll ---then click on execute in terminal

    ^ Enter ID, name, and scan your finger on the fingerprint sensor then Your fingerprint name will be registered in datafolder

    ^ Add your favourite playlist to your folder

    ^ Go to Music player and click on build --- then click on Play --- click on execute in terminal

    ^ Scan your registered finger and then ambient light and your playlist will start

    IGNORE readme.txt word document in all build folders

  • 2
    Installation Instructions

    To download our source code along with submodule

    $ git init   
    $ git clone  
    $ cd oneTouchCozyMood/  
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote 

    To download pre-build libraries

    $ chmod 0770  $ ./

    To build

    $ cd oneTouchCozyMood/  
    $ cd Delete_Users/build/   
    $ cmake ..  
    $ make all  
    $ cd ../../Enroll_Users/build/  
    $ cmake ..  
    $ make all  
    $ cd ../../Music_Player/build/  
    $ cmake ..  
    $ make all  
    $ cd ../../Unit_Test/build/  
    $ cmake ..  
    $ make all

View all 3 instructions

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