
Etching the cricuit boards

A project log for Star Trek Shuttle Console

A Star Trek away mission themed escape room in a box.

rubenfixitRubenFixit 04/21/2022 at 05:010 Comments
pcb laser test
PCB Laser Test

There are several ways to etch your own circuit boards, but the method that I tried this time around worked very well especially for larger boards.

In this method I painted a copper PCB board with an even coat of black acrylic spray paint. After letting it dry I used my diode laser cutter to remove the paint in the areas that I wanted etched away.

One problem I ran in to was that the diode laser would produce very wavy lines if it was run too quickly. This is easily fixed by simply running the job at a slower speed. Unfortunately this increases the overall time required to complete the job.

I found that for my laser engraver a speed of 400 mm/m was a good compromise between speed and line quality.

After etching the paint I used a Copper Chloride Enchant to finish etching the board.

Once the etching is complete, you can remove the paint with acetone.

The final result was great!

Power Grid and Isolienar Chip PCBs
Power Grid (left), Isolienar Chip Grid (right
