
12/05/2022 Project log entry #3 sequel - Connexion problem solved

A project log for Smart earbuds

The stmart earbuds are earbuds that helps you prevent ear damage for artists and staff on stage

laurenlauren 05/12/2022 at 23:000 Comments

So we previously couldn't connect the raspberry pi to my computer.

Problems/Solutions :

Pb: the raspberry couldn't connect to my 4G when the connection file was in the ssh folder created at the sd card root.

S: I put the file directly in the sd card root

Pb : When connected to 4G, the raspberry wouldn't connect to the computer. The connection wasn't allowed. When it was allowed the raspberry default password didn't work.

S: I directly configured the wifi when enabling ssh on Raspberry Imager (when you install all the files on the sd card aka when you're flashing). I also chose a user name and a password for the raspberry (still at the flashing stage). The new imager version requires that now.  /!\ Apparently, you still have to put the wifi connection file on the sd after flashing it this way.

Pb : the connection would time out

S : Your pc and rby might  not be on the same wifi, or you have bad connection.

Pb : a lot of command that I found on internet where in linux and not window langage, plus my ubuntu didn't no matter even after re downloading 234655 times on internet or the windows store.

S: Just follow this it's how to install it via the windows shell
