The button in the bus stop is a push button (in our case an arcade button) with a light integrated, that will light up once the button is pushed. This light is there to signal our user that his requested has been taken into account. At the same time a light will turn on at the top of the bus stop indicating to the bus driver that a user wants to get into the bus. By using an arduino, we can count the nulber of time that button is pressed and by using the arduino extension the TTGO, we can send that number through a live feed to an app the bus drivers is using. This means the bus driver will know how many people wants to board the bus and at which station.
This could be developped to help any handicap users, to help regulate traffic during rush hours or transport strikes or even for remote areas where transport are less accessible to the public.
The whole shipping process is moth and real time monitoring at: <a hre=""></a>