

A project log for Energy Independence While Travelling

Bring your own clean power. Pack a Kite Turbine in your EV

roddy-rags-readRoddy "Rags" Read 06/03/2022 at 08:460 Comments

Got a couple of sims for you

A view of our long term ambition - a network of networks, Kite Turbine field layout 

Rough animation of a Backline handling Bot to improve ease of deployment and safety

Using a Backline Bot will likely be our standard method for single turbine releases on flat enough ground till maybe 100 ~200 kW

After that  - inside the net of nets (as above) deployment from the ground station will be better...

Might look like this

For a tilting carousel like this which releases the rotors and transmission lines and rings - We'll want the rotors to be able to expand in tension once spinning.
