Here are some of the most important key facts:
- Compact design: Total size 120 x 50 mm. Approx. 70.5 x 50 mm area for electronics and additional 49.5 x 50 mm to mount a scintillator.
- All-in-one: No external parts (e.g. sound card) required to record gamma spectra.
- Standalone spectra recordings on built-in flash.
- Easily programmable using drag-and-drop firmware files or the standard Arduino IDE.
- Low-voltage device: No HV needed like with photomultiplier tubes.
- Can use SiPMs in the voltage range of 27.5 V to 33.8 V.
- 4096 ADC channels with built-in 3 V voltage reference.
- Energy resolution of up to 7% @ 662 keV possible; highly dependent on your SiPM/scintillator assembly.
- Energy Mode: ~10 µs total dead time while measuring energy (default settings).
- Geiger Mode: ~1 µs total dead time without energy measurements (default settings).
- Low power consumption: ~15 mA @ 5 V with default firmware at normal background.
- Built-in ticker (buzzer) for audible pulse count rate output.
- Additional broken-out power pins and I2C, SPI and UART headers for custom parts (e.g. display, µSD card, etc.).
- Simple OLED support out of the box (SSD1306 and SH110x).
- Built-in True Random Number Generator.
More information can also be found in the GitHub repository...
Ok nice, but how do I get it?
- DIY version: Download BOM and Gerber files or use Kitspace.
- Buy a complete board: Head over to Tindie.
- If you don't want to deal with all of that, feel free to contact me. Just send me an e-mail if you want and we'll figure something out.
The principle of operation for the detector looks like this:
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Hello, thank you for your response. The pulse voltage from the PMT has no effect on the artifact. I suspect that these are muons, but what bothers me more are the periodic "dropouts" in the unaveraged native spectrum. These are evidently caused by the periodic discharge of the integration element, see: For spectrum analysis, I wanted to use the InterSpec software, but unfortunately, the spectrum is unanalysable. I might be wrong, and the missing signal parts could be caused by another software interruption.