
Board Restock Rev 4

A project log for All-In-One Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

More sensitive to gamma radiation than a Geiger counter with the added bonus of telling exactly what's inside your samples!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 01/14/2024 at 00:010 Comments

Finally, after all the delays, the long awaited restock is here. You can once again get the fully pre-assembled main boards for the Open Gamma Detector on Tindie. EDIT: It's the new version of course, Rev 4! Here's a link to the listing:

This time they come in a nice black color with ENIG surface finish and all the necessary connectors pre-assembled too. As always you will have to get yourself a SiPM and scintillator as these are not included. The boards will need to be programmed at the first start as they don't come pre-loaded. If you're not sure how to do this, here is a quick guide (it's really easy):

