
October update!

A project log for Plastic Scanner

Developing a device that can Identify the most common types of plastic

jerzeekJerzeek 11/01/2022 at 10:360 Comments

Hey everyone,

In this blog, I would like to share a little summary of the month of October with you. October was a month full of presenting and starting projects, so let's highlight some of these:

First and foremost there was the Dutch Design Week! in preparation for the DDW we were asked if we could present our work at (re)valued exhibition, organized by the design agency vanBerlo. We were very proud to do so and so from October 22nd till the 29th we displayed the Plastic Scanner project. The exhibition was especially focused on the work the students did, highlighting their work and telling their stories. I am super proud of the work by Justė Motuzaitė, Jeppe Piersma, Dawn Verkerk, Gigi Bouman, and Markus Glavind. And with a couple of thousand people visiting the exhibition it creates some good exposure and some good questions 🙂

Next up is to highlight Markus and Gustav, Markus already worked on the plastic scanner before and got so excited that he wanted to keep working on the project. So now He and Gustav are doing their thesis on the Plastic Scanner project! They will continue the previous work, researching beyond open source and seeing that shape and form of a commercial Plastic Scanner is viable.

Then also Lin needs to be introduced, she does her Ph.D. on plastic recycling in low and middle-income countries (so a 100% match with the project). She pitched her proposal to do a 1:1 comparison with a commercial spectroscope, right in the field of Uganda and South Africa. Guess what? the proposal pitch won, and it can actually happen! So stay tuned for more of this!

Lastly, we are also introducing two new partner companies, PCBway and Prusa!

PCBway offered to manufacture the prototype PCBs to help out with the project, so we are looking forward to the things they can make.

Also, Prusa reached out wanting to help out, so they send some plastic samples last week and also offered to have a look at the electronics schematics, awesome!🚀

That is it for this month!
