
"How do I assemble it?"

A project log for Z80 Reverse-Engineering And Hacking Adventures

What else can I say?

eric-hertzEric Hertz 06/22/2022 at 10:062 Comments

Admittedly, my first thought is probably far more realistic than I thought upon thinking it...

But my second thought was something along the lines of "is there an open-source assembler? [Ziggurat29 had issues with sdcc [but for an 8080]... Am I gonna have to use a CP/M-based assembler?"

Heh... Then thoughts went to, "BAH! I can use ZAC!"

Yeah, we're talkin: 

1) Write the new SD70 code on my TI-86.

2) Assemble it, under ZAC, on the TI-86

3) Transfer that to compy

4) Convert it somehow to an EPROM image

5) Burn EPROM


It makes a heck of a lot of sense, no? Use the tools I know!

(As crazy as it may sound, I *did* actually think of some code I wrote on the TI-86 which could be handy here... what was it? Oh, the flash-programming code... hmmm)

OK, that's a bit ridiculous, assembling code for this on my calculator... But it really made sense at the time!

Heh, maybe that flash-programming bootloader-ROM I mentioned earlier should use TI-Graphlink instead of Zmodem?

*Sigh* brain...


ziggurat29 wrote 06/22/2022 at 12:15 point

you might find ZMAC to be easier to use than the calculator

I haven't tried, but I /think/ it can generate object code that will link with SDCC. If that works, then bootstrap and maybe ISRs/drivers can be implemented in assembler, and the rest can be implemented in C.

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Eric Hertz wrote 06/23/2022 at 00:22 point

Definitely smarter than coding on a calculator!

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