

A project log for IKEA Vindriktning IAQ

IKEA Vindriktning + BME688 + SGP30 + WS2812 connected to an ESP8266 running Tasmota

stefan-lochbrunnerStefan Lochbrunner 06/18/2022 at 15:540 Comments

When researching ways to go about modifying an IKEA Vindriktning I found these links quite helpful:

Just now I came across @Catalin Sanda's #IKEA Vindriktning Daughterboard... if only I had found this sooner...

On the software side I used

I read somewhere that Apparently the Vindriktnings color thresholds are a bit optimistic so I tried to find more reliable ones for PM2.5, VOC and CO2 but I'm not very happy with the results:

If you have a good source, please leave a comment.


Edit 2022-06-22: Added link about Vindriktning color thresholds.

Edit 2022-08-29: Just came across this thread on with a list of even more builds.
