
E-book with Ameba (AMB23) Update #2

A project log for E-book with Ameba (AMB23)

Making an E-book with AMB23 and 7.5-inch E-paper Display Module

pammyleongpammyleong 07/04/2022 at 03:042 Comments

Added a simple cover page for E-book. 

Cover Page for EPD

Added button to change pages and text wrap

Long text are split into many pages and pages can be changed using a button. Page numbers are also added at the bottom right hand corner. The texts are being wrapped according to the size of the E-paper display so that sentence or word will not be cut off. Users can choose and set their preferred font size in the ino. file. Font Size choices: 16, 20, 24. Orientation of the E-book can also be chosen by the user. Orientation choices: 0o, 90o, 180o, 270. When the last page is reached, it will return to page 1 after the button is pressed again.

Display text with font size 16

Display text with font size 16
Display text with font size 20
Display text with font size 20
Display text with font size 24
Display text with font size 24


burukutugagaranga wrote 03/27/2024 at 10:12 point


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stevenaughtonnsx11 wrote 01/19/2024 at 20:40 point

I also have an exciting Amoeba e-book in my e-library. This fascinating read delves into the world of microscopic organisms, revealing their amazing characteristics and impact on our world. Also I recently did a work on romeo and juliet, found for that. Then I decided to read the entire book. I realized that this is exactly the genre that I need. I recommend to everyone.

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