
E-book with Ameba (AMB23) Update #3

A project log for E-book with Ameba (AMB23)

Making an E-book with AMB23 and 7.5-inch E-paper Display Module

pammyleongpammyleong 07/18/2022 at 01:151 Comment


- e-Book is able to read longer/infinite content. Removed the limit to be displayed onto the EPD.

- 2 orientations supported: Portrait and landscape

Wiring diagram provided:


David Turner wrote 10/26/2023 at 13:14 point

I really love e-books. I switched to them two years ago, and it was a real discovery for me. One of the key benefits of e-readers for me was their portability. I got so carried away with reading that I stopped doing homework, found a writing help online, and used for this. Another advantage of e-books is the backlighting of the screen. Now I can read in the dark without worrying about finding a light source. This is especially convenient before bed or on long overnight flights.

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