
CMD/TMP register wire-wrapping process

A project log for BrainfuckPC Relay Computer

Von-Neumann 16-bit relay computer with Brainfuck++ instruction set

artem-kashkanovArtem Kashkanov 08/24/2018 at 19:570 Comments

Vacations gone so I have to return to work on the project :)

Current task - to wire-wrap CMD/TMP register block. It's 80% done. Just need to add VCC and WR lines (but want to go to sleep...)

This block contain 3 registers:

16-bit TMP register for Adder A-input

12-bit BIAS register for Adder B-input (4 MSB bit are extended with sign)

4-bit CMD register for Sequencer input. 

We load data from Memory to TMP register and load 16-bit width code instructions to BIAS+CMD register.
