
WW46 Update

A project log for BrainfuckPC Relay Computer

Von-Neumann 16-bit relay computer with Brainfuck++ instruction set

artem-kashkanovArtem Kashkanov 11/16/2017 at 08:191 Comment

How about using this for input/output operations with my computer?

It's a electronic daisy-wheel typewriter Robotron S6130 with Terminal support - it can be connected via RS-232 to computer and print received data. It have Russian daisy-wheel and keyboard layout, but wheel can be changed to another one.

Unfortunately it doesn't work, but I have schematic and want to repair it - internals looks not bad.

Here is my review, But sorry, Currently Russian language only and no subs.


Dave's Dev Lab wrote 11/16/2017 at 16:54 point

OH Interesting idea!!!

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