A tor freedom node is a small device that is semi-disposable (cheap enough to not care if it's not recovered) that is meant to be left behind in areas that provide free public wifi in an attempt to have more exit nodes distributed around the world. When all traffic looks like tor traffic, and exit nodes start popping up at Mc D's or DD, or the local bagel shop... we stand a chance of camouflaging our net traffic from prying eyes.
Will need a script to randomize mac address at regular intervals.
Will need to navigate TOS agreement pages.
Raspberry Pi Zero
This is perfect for this project!
This is perfect. The new pi zero fits into the price point for this semi-disposable device. Now I just need a cheap wifi solution, and how to cheaply power the whole thing.
While I wait for my sample orders to arrive. I am going to get a patchwork system running on my RasPi. I need to get rotating mac addresses, as well as some sort of smart traffic monitor that will only start an exit node if there is a certain threshold of traffic already passing by. This requires promiscuous mode to be enabled, and I don't know how much that is going to effect power requirements.
Also, I need to start looking at passive ways of collecting power that are super cheap. My hope was to be able to run a node with a watch battery, but I see now that this is infeasible, especially to be a useful exit node. The power requirements are going to be much higher. The more battery though, the higher the cost. Arrrggghhh.
Here is a good article I found comparing power requirements for different wireless standards.
so is this happening or no?