On second thoughts, I just went here for the armbian images:
Wrote to SD card with the raspi imager - choose your own image from downloaded and extracted image file. (https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ )
Went for the ubuntu focal image, just for tests, may change later.
Important side note to _self: https://forum.banana-pi.org/t/banana-pi-m2-zero-latest-armbian-images/9224
Hooked up mouse and keyboard through a convenient 3-port usb hub that has a mini-usb connector for use with these kinds of boards. Well, at least temporary, for setting up this kind of device.
Oh and, I had to use a different HDMI device, apparantly the raspi works a little better out of the box detecting the display.
I'll probably have to tweak some settings to get the rounded display working again, will keep you posted.

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