I got some time today to play with the linux armbian installation.
After a lot of tries getting the display to work, installing a graphical interface using the armbian configurator, installing lots of packages (which is not entirely fast) I didn't get the display to work.
Right, so, tried lots of boot settings in the form of looking at this page: https://linux-sunxi.org/Fex_Guide#disp_init_configuration
But no go. So in turn I went back to the working configuration of earlier, which was an entirely different board, connected it. Didn't work either. Strange.
Disconnected everything including all flat cables, reconnected everything, and the display sprang to life.
Okay, back from raspi to bananapi. insta-worked.
The boot settings are simply: disp_init_enable=1
The rest is automagically. Imagine my joy, no fiddling with settings. I am happy.
And yeah, I turned on I2c0, 1 and 2, to play with that next.
Alas, the installation of the graphical environment messed up my network settings, so I have to do that again with NetworkManager.. on a screen that misses the corners.. wish me luck.
Image working on bananapi:

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