Features: - Attiny85 or smaller ... I have only this - 20 charlieplexed LED in matrix 4x5 - enough memory for larger text - standard 6 pin ICSP header for easy programing
testing text "+1234567890 (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) [ABCDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]"
nice project. I was thinking of doing something similar for the 1kBit challenge. But so far there is not enough to design it. Now I had to think about wether my project will be different enough to yours. But this is a nice additional challenge.
I want try make game console with attiny85 + 4x5 led matrix and use RESET pin ADC and 2 ..3 buttons ... with more memory usage, can be more hardcore. Digispark is good for this because can be reprogrammed with disabled RESET :)
Is the sourcecode available somewhere?