
RTC - Simple RTC

This example demonstrates how to use the RTC library methods.

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This function describes how to use the RTC API. The RTC function is implemented by an independent BCD timer/counter.

BW16 is a dual-frequency Wi-Fi + Bluetooth SoC module developed based on RTL8720DN. It supports dual-frequency (2.4GHz or 5GHz) WLAN and low power Bluetooth 5.0; and integratesARMV8 (Cortex-M4F) high-performance MCU, ARM V8M (Cortex-M0) low-power MCU, WLAN (802.11 a / b / g / n), MAC, Bluetooth and RF baseband, and provides a set of configurable GPIO ports for the control of different peripherals.

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  • 1 × BW16

  • 1
    Set up

    Select the correct Ameba development board from the Arduino IDE: “Tools” -> “Board”.
    Then open the “RTC” example from:”File” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaRTC” -> “RTC “:


  • 2
    Final Result

    Upon successfully upload the sample code and press the reset button, this example will print out time information since the user initialized time every second in the Serial Monitor.


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