
Why use an RP2040?

A project log for Canique Pico Gateway

An 868MHz to MQTT message gateway using a Raspberry Pico

caniquecanique 08/27/2022 at 18:240 Comments

When deciding which MCU to use as the core of this Gateway, there were a couple of things to consider...

Initial Requirements:

The minimum required Flash should be 200KB (100KB was expected solely for the TLS library). Currently the image has a size of 251KB.

The minimum required RAM should be 40K. Currently the TLS layer alone uses a static 50K of RAM.

Hardware encryption and/or a hardware RNG would be a plus (unfortunately RP2040 does not have either).

Still the price/performance of the Raspberry Pico was so good and the availability much better than the rivals (like STM32G0B0CE or STM32G0C1KC), that I opted for the Pico.
