
Setting up ChirpStack

A project log for Local LoRaWAN infrastructure

Be your own network operator

mihaicuciucmihai.cuciuc 08/28/2022 at 11:530 Comments

ChirpStack web interface is by default located at http://<SERVER_IP>:8080 with user/pass: admin/admin

This is the minimum configuration needed to get end devices conected to your server

  1. Add a network server
  2. Add an organization
  3. Add a service profile
  4. Add your gateway. The Gateway ID needs to be identical to the one configured on the gateway, in /mnt/fsuser-1/spf/etc/local_conf.json under
            "gateway_conf": {
                    "gateway_ID": "1122334455667788"
  5. Add a device profile. Settings here might differ based on the LoRaWAN implementation your end-devices use. These settings are for the RN2483 with firmware version 1.0.5. Once you created the profile, edit it and check "Device supports OTAA" under Join.
  6. Create a Custom JavaScript codec. These are used to interpret the decrypted byte array coming from the sensor into more meaningful objects that can be forwarded to other pieces of software. We will package the first two bytes into a simple object
  7. Create an application
  8. [Optional] Create an InfluxDB integration. This requires that InfluxDB is installed. You will be able to see traffic from your sensor without this, but there will be no data persistency.
  9. [Optional] Create the database in InfluxDB. On your server do
    lora@loraserver:~$ influx
    Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.10
    InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10
    > create database demodatabase 
  10. Under the newly created application, create a device. The DeviceEUI should be unique within your network. The RN2483 comes preprogrammed with a unique device EUI that you can use.
  11. Set the Application key for this device. You can generate a random one from the button on the right
  12. Send some data from your end device. Assuming you are using a RN2483 modem, you can use the follwing commands (modem responses included)
    mac set deveui 1234567890abcdef
    mac set appkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
    mac join otaa
    mac tx cnf 1 00ff
    mac tx cnf 1 01fe
    mac tx cnf 1 02fd
    mac tx uncnf 1 04bf
    mac tx uncnf 1 08f7
    mac tx uncnf 1 10ef
  13. Check that the data can be seen in ChirpStack
  14. [Optional] Use Grafana to show a plot of the two bytes you sent. You need to set the data source in Grafana appropriately to read from your InfluxDB database
