
New Chassis, New Mistakes

A project log for Modular OTS Cyberdeck Creation Kit

A suite of printables designed around using (mostly) off-the-shell parts to make your own custom computing platform/ Cyber Deck/ Lapdock

sp4mSp4m 11/22/2022 at 21:170 Comments

Sorry, that title was clickbait. The design process is iterative, so of course I have improvement opportunities.

This is the primary view pf the chassis, it's pretty simple straight forward.
On the left hand wall, you can see a black spot where I was sloppy with the soldering iron while installing the heat-set screw inserts. /SHAME

This is the view of the port connector on the rear of the chassis.

Here's the bottom of the Chassis:

Looking just about perfect!

You can see how the Hilbert Curve infill pattern adds both complexity and consistency to the feature.

I added 2 pairs of peripheral mounting points to the front of the chassis. I was concerned that they were too far forward, and would both be visible to the user, and that the 4mm of vertical space needed to house the heat-set inserts would interfere with the keyboard module positioning, but it looks like my initial modelling was accurate, and there is even a little wiggle room over them.

It may still be wise to push them back a little and create a recess for the screw holes, but that would create another obstacle that I need to work around if I get a steel plate cut.
