
TJ's existing circuit board

A project log for TJ Bearytales: Rewritten

Reprogramming T.J. Bearytales into a helpful, empathetic robot

mx-jack-nelsonMx. Jack Nelson 10/21/2022 at 16:560 Comments

Removal of the inhibiting bits

We took off TJ's plastic backpack to get at the board. The backpack is secured with four size 2.3 triangle security screws. Once the backpack lifts off, the board is exposed. 

Mapping the connections on the board

The board is screwed in with two Philips head screws and tips out along the bottom edge. We disconnected and cut the wires leading to TJ's various parts. Below is a photo of the board with its original wires, most of which are clearly labeled. 

The wires are listed by pin number in the table below. 

1Right Hand Motor AGreen
2Right Hand Motor BYellow
3Left Hand Motor AWhite
4Left Hand Motor B Gray
5 Head Turn Sensor A Purple
7Head Turn Sensor BYellow
8Head Nod Sensor ARed
10Head Nod Sensor BGreen
11Left Arm Sensor APurple
12Left Arm Sensor BOrange
14Right Arm Sensor AGreen
15Right Arm Sensor BWhite
16Eyes & Ears Motor APurple
17Eyes & Ears Motor BBlue
18Eyes & Ears Sensor AOrange
20Eyes & Ears Sensor BGray
21Speaker AGreen
22Speaker BGreen
26Accessory AntennaYellow
