
Low Power NAS / Home server

55 Watt, ARM based, home server. Run Docker and ZFS on a RockPro64

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Low Power NAS / Home server. find the building instruction / setup on github :

I wanted to create a low power server that could run 24/7 to self host all my thing. This is my third iteration and i'm happy with it

# Features

* Run ZFS for fast and easy to manage RAID array

* Run docker to host app

* low power (55 Watt max, less idling)

* RockPro64 Powered

* in a nice box to hide the dirty cable (un)management

# Cost

Enclosure : 15$

PSU + RockPro : 120 $

Fans: 10 $

HDD : 0-800 $

PCIe-SATA : 25 $

Total : 170-970 $

# check out github for detailled instruction and more info:

# Harware consideration :

the rockpro64 dont seems to be able to use USB3.0 peripheral on the USB3 Port. but external hdd usually draw more than the 0.7 A that the USB 2.1 can provide so you might need to use a powered USB 2.1 Hub or a USB2.1 extension cable so that you can plug your drive on the USB3 port while forcing the use of USB2.1 for communication.

Also beware of shitty USB stick. I had a TON of problem due to the USB stick dying after 2-3 days/weeks of use even with log2ram.

  • RAM going bad

    Nathann12/20/2022 at 11:44 0 comments

    the server started to behave unexpectedly and after a long search i tested the RAM with memtester, there where a few badblock. I always had some strange issue with this board and it might have been a problem for a long time. anyways i ordered a new rock pro64 and replaced it a few days ago. its been running like a charm since.

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