
Register names

A project log for Assembly Language for ECM-16/TTL homebrew CPU

Sub-project where the assembly language is described; the assembler program progress updates are posted here

pavelPavel 11/24/2022 at 13:230 Comments

Among 19 programmer-visible registers there are two main groups of 8 each and 3 special registers scattered around the CPU:

1) General Purpose Registers: 8 16-bit registers that are accessible to main ALU.

These registers are named r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6 and r7.

2) Memory Pointer Registers: 8 16-bit registers combined in 4 pairs to hold 32-bit values. The registers are also accessible individually for data transfer. 

Memory Pointer Pair (32-bit) names, they are used in Indirect Memory Access instructions, Load Immediate into Pointer instruction and Address Arithmetic instructions:

PC -- Program Counter, updated each time new instruction is fetched

SP -- Stack Pointer, provides address for storing current PC value when executing JSR instruction

FP -- Frame Pointer, can be used as additional pointer to manage program stack

BP -- Base Pointer, can be used as additional pointer, for example, to some data structure in memory, like object or array.

Individual Memory Pointer register (16-bit) names:

mp0, or PCH -- high word of PC pair

mp1, or PCL -- low word of PC pair

mp2, or SPH -- high word of SP pair

mp3, or SPL -- low word of SP pair

mp4, or FPH -- high word of FP pair

mp5, or FPL -- low word of FP pair

mp6, or BPH -- high word of BP pair

mp7, or BPL -- low word of BP pair

3) Status Register

SR -- this register is only 4-bits, it contains flags indicating ALU operation output characteristics, such as if there is a carry generated, or oveflow, or the resulting value is negative or zero.

It can have its value moved into or from one of GPR or MPR  with special MOV operation.

4) Memory Data Buffer 

MDB -- 16-bit register -- written to automatically whenever F2 state is active by the value of second word of 2-word instruction.

It can also be written to or read from to GPR or MPR  manually with special MOV operation.

5) Interrupt Vector Base

IVB -- 16-bit register, used to provide the base address for an array of Interrupt Service Routines, is a high word of 32-bit address.

Can also be written to or read from to GPR or MPR with special MOV operation. The write is used for initial setup of system. 
