Fast forward a little bit and it was time to take another swing at it, arm support had gotten better with qmk and i figured i should be able to make it work. Revision 2 moved to a more common keyboard pcb design and forgoes the need for the peripheral board. I decided to try out some kailh hot swap sockets, breakout the i2c connections and the MCU chosen was an stm32F405.

This version had a more accurate fit in the case (not perfect) as well as the ability to be used outside of any case if you wanted to. Programming was done over dfu and the reset button was a bit awkward and as you can see in the above picture i had botched a diode connection which i just bodge wired to the vbus breakout which was luckily the only electrical oopsie. A friend had helped laser cut me an acrylic 60% switch plate which I think I reused a couple times (hence why it looks a little broken in the below picture).
A note is that this design needs 2 separate switch plates, one for the 60% area and one for the numpad, the case bar between the two prevents from using a single custom switchplate. I happily found that generic easy to find 60% switchplates fit the case and design leaving me only need worry about the numpad plate which I could get from a laser cutting service eventually.

Not much else huge in this update, a caveat to the board design is the right most pcb stabilizer holes are cut off and still present in the modern design, I'm worried extending it would prevent a snug fit so I've just dealt with it as is. Most progress was in me futzing around and learning qmk, this was before more boards with relateable mcu's were common in qmk so it was slightly more challenging but still relatively easy to cobble something together.
A note on the cases, I originally just had one apple keyboard II but for the purpose of testing different cases and having some complete keyboards to test I acquired a few more through ebay (purchased ones with known issues/not working so i wouldn't be gutting a good board).
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