For now, updates are only being made to the github repository.

Main Features:

MikroLeo Architecture

Note that some buffers are used to allow viewing the contents of registers at any time, since this project is mainly intended for educational purposes.

The MikroLeo Instruction Set

Although MikroLeo has only 20 instructions, using the AMODE bit (b14) and the modifier bits (b13:b12), it is possible to encode 64 combinations of instructions, as can be seen below.

Instruction Set explanation and examples

In binary, the Instruction Word is coded as,

ROMH (Most significant byte of program memory)


ROML (Least significant byte of program memory)


- Note: b15 = bit15 ... b0 = bit0

LDI - Load with Immediate

Description: Loads the operand value into a register.
Registers: ACC, RA, RB or RC
Operation: Register <─ Operand

Instruction Word
ROMHInstructionAffected Flags
0x00xn0x00LDI ACC,n
0x10xn0x10LDI RA,n
0x20xn0x20LDI RB,n
0x30xn0x30LDI RC,n


Instruction Word
0x0005LDI ACC,5
Load ACC with operand
0x1006LDI RA,6Load RA with operand
0x2007LDI RB,7Load RB with operand
0x300aLDI RC,10Load ACC with operand

The Instruction Word, for example, for LDI RA,6 is coded as,

  ┆┆┆└──> Least significant Nibble => Operand[b3:b0] = 6
  ┆┆└───> Second Nibble => MAddr[b7:b4] = 0
  ┆└────> Third Nibble => MICRO[b11:b8] = 0
  └─────> Most significant Nibble => HiNB[b15:b12] = 1 

Also, the instruction word (in binary) to be manually programmed into MikroLeo using physical switches is,

0001 0000 0000 0110
  ┆    ┆    ┆    └─> Operand = 6
  ┆    ┆    └──────> MAddr = 0 (For this instruction, it doesn't matter)
  ┆    └───────────> MICRO = 0 (OPCode)
  └────────────────> HiNB = 1 (MICRO2_IN = 0, AMODE = 0, MOD = 1)

NAND - bitwise Nand
Description: Performs the bitwise Nand operation between ACC with (Operand n, RA, RB or RAM).
The result is stored in ACC.
ACC <─ ACC NAND Operand
ACC <─ ACC NAND Register

Instruction WordROMHInstructionAffected Flags
0x01xn0x01NAND ACC,nZF
0x11x00x11NAND ACC,RAZF
0x21xn0x21NAND ACC,RBZF
0x31mn0x31NAND ACC,@RAMZF
0x71xx0x71NAND ACC,@RZF

The RAM address for @RAM is pointed by RC:MAddr:LAddr.
The RAM address for @R is pointed by RC:RB:RA.
The MAddr is represented by the letter "m".


Instruction WordInstructionComment
0x0105NAND ACC,5NAND operation between
the accumulator
and the operand and stores it
in ACC
0x1106NAND ACC,RANAND operation between
the accumulator
and register RA and stores
it in ACC
0x2107NAND ACC,RBNAND operation between
the accumulator
and register RB and stores
it in ACC
0x310aNAND ACC,@0x0aNAND the contents of the
RAM address with ACC
and stores it in ACC.
In this case,
the RAM address = RC:0:a
0x7100NAND ACC,@RNAND the contents of the
RAM address with ACC
and stores it in ACC.
In this case, the RAM
address = RC:RB:RA

The Instruction Word, for example, for NAND ACC,5 is coded as,

  ┆┆┆└──> Least significant Nibble => Operand[b3:b0] = 5
  ┆┆└───> Second Nibble => MAddr[b7:b4] = 0
  ┆└────> Third Nibble => MICRO[b11:b8] = 1
  └─────> Most significant Nibble => HiNB[b15:b12] = 0

Also, the instruction word (in binary) to be manually programmed into MikroLeo using physical switches is,

0000 0001 0000 0101
  ┆    ┆    ┆    └──> Operand = 5
  ┆    ┆    └───────> MAddr = 0 (For this instruction, it doesn't matter)
  ┆    └────────────> MICRO = 1 (OPCode)
  └─────────────────> HiNB = 0 (MICRO2_IN = 0, AMODE = 0, MOD = 0)


Basic Documentation

- MikroLeo has four Registers
ACC - Accumulator (4 bit) - Stores the result of logical and arithmetic operations. Moreover, ACC stores data that is read from or written to RAM.
RA - 4 bit General purpose Register (also used for addressing).
RB - 4 bit General purpose Register (also used for addressing).
RC - 4 bit Special purpose Register used for addressing.

- Two Flags
Flags can only be checked by conditional jump instructions (JPC and JPZ).

CF - Carry Flag - It is Set (CF=1) by ADD Instruction if it produces a carry or by SUB/CMP instruction if it results in a borrow.
ZF - Zero Flag - It is affected by operations that modify the contents of the ACC and by CMP instruction. It is Set (ZF=1) if the result of the last operation was zero.

Example of how CF and ZF are Set:


This code does it,

+  1111
 1 0000
 ↓   ↓

As the value zero is written to ACC, ZF=1.

- Addressing Modes


In immediate addressing, the operand (n) is contained in the lower nibble of the instruction (b3:b0), and it is denoted by Operand, LAddr or OPR.

Example 1:

LDI ACC,1    ;Load the operand value into the ACC accumulator.

Example 2:


Example 3:

NAND ACC,0   ;Performs the NAND operation between the accumulator and the
             ;operand value and stores the result in the accumulator.

Example 4:

OUTA 0xF     ;Sends the operand value to the OUTA output port.

Example 5:

CMP ACC,0    ;Performs the comparison between the accumulator and the

Example 6:

SUB ACC,1    ;Performs the subtraction between the accumulator and the
             ;operand and stores the result in the accumulator.

Example 7:

ADD ACC,5    ;Performs the addition between the accumulator and the
             ;operand and stores the result in the accumulator.

Register Direct

In this mode, the operand must be one of the four registers (ACC, RC, RB, RA). Thus, the contents of the lower and medium nibble of the instruction (MAdrr, b7:b4 and LAddr, b3:b0) do not matter. Note that in the LDR instruction, the operand (ACC) is implied. LDR stands for load the Register Rx with ACC, being x={A,B,C}. In the LDA instruction, the operand must be one of the three registers (RC, RB, RA). LDA stands for load the accumulator with one of Rx Registers. Note that in register direct addressing mode, data can be read from or written to a register.

Example 1:

  LDR RA     ;Loads the value of the ACC accumulator into the RA register.

Example 2:

  LDR RB     ;Loads the value of the ACC accumulator into the RB register.

Example 3:

  LDA RA     ;Loads the value from the RA Register into the ACC accumulator.

Example 4:

  LDA RC     ;Loads the value from the RC Register into the accumulator ACC.

Register Indirect + Absolute

In this addressing mode, the RC Register points to the high address (b11:b8). The medium (MAddr) and low (LAddr) nibble of the instruction, point to the medium and low address, respectively.

The final address is composed by RC:MAddr:LAddr.

For example, if:

RC = 3  MAddr = 2  LAddr = 1  

The address to be accessed is 321h.
In the MikroLeo python assembler, absolute addresses (MAddr:LAddr) are indicated by an @.

Example 1:

  LDI RC,1       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  OUTA @0xF4     ;Sends the contents of the RAM address pointed to by
                 ;RC:MAddr:LAddr to output port A, in this case, the RAM
                 ;address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 1F4h.

Example 2:

  LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  ADD ACC,@0xFC  ;Sum the contents of the RAM address pointed to by
                 ;RC:MAddr:LAddr with ACC and stores it in ACC. In this
                 ;case, the RAM address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 3FCh.

Example 3:

  LDI RC,1       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  JPI @0x23      ;Jumps to the specified label. In this case, the label
                 ;address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 123h.

Example 4:

  LDI RC,2       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  CMP ACC,0      ;Compares the contents of ACC with the operand. Is ACC
                 ;equal to 0?
  JPZ @0x34      ;Jumps to the specified label if ZF=1 (ACC = 0). In this
                 ;case, the label address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 234h.

Example 5:

LOOP:    LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         STW ACC,@0x21  ;Stores the contents of the accumulator in the RAM
                        ;address pointed by RC:MAddr:LAddr, in this case,
                        ;the RAM address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 321h.
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPI LOOP       ;Jumps to the specified label.

Example 6:

LOOP:    LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         LDW ACC,@0x21  ;Loads the contents of the RAM address pointed by
                        ;RC:MAddr:LAddr in the accumulator, in this case,
                        ;the RAM address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 321h.
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPI LOOP

Example 7:

LOOP:    LDI RC,4       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         CMP ACC,@0x32  ;Compares the contents of ACC with the contents
                        ;of the RAM address pointed by RC in
                        ;this case, the RAM address is RC:MAddr:LAddr = 432h.
                        ;Is ACC equal to @432h?
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPZ LOOP       ;Jumps to the specified label if ZF=1 (ACC = @432h).

Register Indirect

In this addressing mode, the RC Register points to the high address (b11:b8). Likewise, the RB Register points to the medium Address (MA) while the RA Register points to the low Address (LA). Note that the contents of the lower and medium nibble of the instruction (MAddr, b7:b4 and LAddr, b3:b0) do not matter.

The final address is composed by RC:RB:RA.

For example, if:

RC = 3  RB = 2  RA = 1  

The address to be accessed is 321h.
In MikroLeo's python assembler, indirect register addresses (RC:RB:RA) are indicated by an @R.

Example 1:

  LDI RC,1       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  LDI RB,0xF
  LDI RA,4
  OUTA @R        ;Sends the contents of the RAM address pointed to by
                 ;RC:RB:RA to output port A, in this case, the RAM address
                 ;is RC:RB:RA = 1F4h.

Example 2:

  LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  LDI RB,0xF
  LDI RA,0xC
  ADD ACC,@R     ;Sum the contents of the RAM address pointed to by RC:RB:RA
                 ;with ACC and stores it in ACC. In this case, the RAM
                 ;address is RC:RB:RA = 3FCh.

Example 3:

  LDI RC,1       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  LDI RB,2
  LDI RA,3
  JPI @R         ;Jumps to the specified label. In this case, the label
                 ;address is RC:RB:RA = 123h.

Example 4:

  LDI RC,2       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
  LDI RB,3
  LDI RA,4
  CMP ACC,0      ;Compares the contents of ACC with the operand. Is ACC
                 ;equal to 0?
  JPZ @R         ;Jumps to the specified label if ZF=1 (ACC = 0). In this
                 ;case, the label address is RC:RB:RA = 234h.

Example 5:

LOOP:    LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         LDI RB,2
         LDI RA,1
         STW ACC,@R     ;Stores the contents of the accumulator in the RAM
                        ;address pointed by RC:RB:RA, in this case, the RAM
                        ;address is RC:RB:RA = 321h.
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPI LOOP       ;Jumps to the specified label.

Example 6:

LOOP:    LDI RC,3       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         LDI RB,2
         LDI RA,1
         LDW ACC,@R     ;Loads the contents of the RAM address pointed by
                        ;RC:RB:RA in the accumulator, in this case, the RAM
                        ;address is RC:RB:RA = 321h.
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPI LOOP

Example 7:

LOOP:    LDI RC,4       ;Loads the operand value into the RC Register.
         LDI RB,3
         LDI RA,2
         CMP ACC,@R     ;Compares the contents of ACC with the contents of
                        ;the RAM address pointed by RC in
                        ;this case, the RAM address is RC:RB:RA = 432h.
                        ;Is ACC equal to @432h?
         LDI RC,>LOOP   ;Gets the address of the label, as this code changes
                        ;the contents of the Register RC.
         JPZ LOOP       ;Jumps to the specified label if ZF=1 (ACC = @432h).

Assembler Compiler

Almost ready...

How to transfer compiled program to MikroLeo

Almost ready...


In progress...🚧

Some Pictures

Simulation of the MikroLeo circuit (Made with "Digital"):
Digital is free, open source and cross-platform software with a nice interface for digital logic design and circuit simulation.

PCB (KiCad 3D viewer):

To carry out the project, the KiCad software was used, an excellent and powerful free and open-source tool for printed circuit board (PCB) designers.

Development stages

 - Bibliographic research - [completed]
 - Architecture definition - [completed]
 - Circuit design - [completed]
 - Circuit simulation - [completed]
 - Prototype assembly on breadboard - [completed]
 - Printed circuit board design - [completed]
 - Prototype assembly on PCB - [completed]
 - Final Tests - [almost finished]

History and Motivation

Since the time I took an 8086 assembly language programming course and took digital electronics and microprocessors classes in college, this project has been something I've always wanted to do. I'm fascinated by electronics, computers and programming!

The project started in 2020, and the first usable version was completed on April 20, 2020.

Initially, the development of the project used the Logisim-Evolution, and later it was migrated to the Digital.


I dedicate this project to my beloved son, Leonardo Pimentel Acordi.


The authors would like to thank:


Edson Junior Acordi
Matheus Fernando Tasso
Carlos Daniel de Souza Nunes


Hardware: Licensed under CERN-OHL-S v2 or any later version

Software: Licensed under GNU GPL v3

Documentation: Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

As this project is intended for educational purposes, I have decided to use the CERN-OHL-S license for hardware to ensure that it is always free, contributing, promoting and disseminating the essential knowledge. As such, all hardware derived from it will also be open source!
Likewise, for the software, the GNU GPL license was used.

For now, updates are only being made to the github repository.

As soon as possible, I will put everything here!