
UPDATE 6: The clever CAD design

A project log for Open UpCell

An open source, USB Type C PD, single-cell BMS for Lithium batteries

padmalaya-rawalPadmalaya Rawal 01/11/2023 at 07:490 Comments

Hey Makers,

Our last 3D-printed part was good enough and holds our PCB so well but our goal was to build an enclosure for which we don't need any adhesive material or screws to hold the Open Upcell in place. And we just discovered a huge space around the perimeter of PCB which is 1 mm😂.

Let's see how we will be able to use this huge space to hold the Open Upcell in place. Don't forget to check out our project campaign on Crowdsupply. You can either search "Open upcell" on Crowd Supply or use this link:
Happy Tinkering  :)

Stay tuned for more updates .............
