
Hi-fi Phono Stage for Cambridge Audio A1

Building a replacement for an out of production optional daughterboard.

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My hi-fi amp didn't come with a phono stage. It was an optional extra so I am going to try designing and building a replacement.


I don't want to buy an external phono stage, and everything is set up for one inside my amp, so lets build one. First to work out the spec.

1. Must work with MM (Moving Magnet) cartridge turntables. These require the least amplification, so are easier than MC (Moving Coil) types. They are also, generally, vastly cheaper.

2. Must be cheap to make. I could buy an external one for about £25 and the whole amp only cost me £30. Parts should be easy to source.

3. It should be reliable, run cool etc. It's going to be in the case of my amp.

4. If should be removable, and use the same headers as the manufacturers version and be the same size. (80mm x 55mm)

5. It should sound good (not necessarily amazing, but good enough to not be the weak link in my budget hi-fi).

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