
Build the talking ESP32 clock for the exact time

The Penguin clock will regularly voice the actual time in your time zone and use its built-in Neopixels for a cozy Christmas feeling.

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The project is, by purpose, made beginner-friendly with a minimum of required components, but some familiarity with Arduino is helpful, but not an absolute must.

An old decoration provides the outer shell for this clock project. A non-functional Penguin that will be refurbished and enhanced with talking clock capabilities, plus some flashy multicolor LED lights. Alternatively, any semi-transparent enclosure could host the same parts we will assemble, code, and test.

For the advanced Arduino user.

Update the code from its clock function to speak over 1200+ other words. Or why not record your messages and make a unique clock? See the instructions for the details.

Practical learnings.

  • Use ESP32 RTC with the Network Time Protocol.
  • Remote code updates with ElegantOTA.
  • Explore the Arduino Talkie library to have your ESP32 speak with a robotic voice.
  • Split your Arduino sketch into multiple "helper" files based on their function. 

The last point is essential. Then it's easy to maintain the code without having one huge, very long, hard-to-read single file. 

  • 1 × Unexpected Maker's ESP32 TinyPICO The microcontroller for the penguin
  • 1 × Arduino Talkie Speech Amplifier Shield for ESP32Arduino Talkie Speech Amplifier Shield for ESP32 The audio amplifier for the speaker
  • 1 × Miniature 0.5-1W speaker, 8 Ohm Outputs the actual clock in your time zone
  • 1 × 12 pixels (5050) Neopixel ring Flash the LED's for a Christmas feeling

  • 1
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