
Type C version is available

A project log for Mouse whisperer

Mouse Whisperer is a small development kit that is based on ATtiny85. It will act like a physical mouse and draw circles when you're away

andriymalyshenkoandriy.malyshenko 11/06/2023 at 08:590 Comments
Recently I updated my laptop, and yes, it no longer has type A USB ports. I guess only now I realized that it become a reality. Like PCs without floppy-drives many years ago, and without CD drive not-so-many.

So I thought, I probably should order the next batch with Type C connector. I had this Idea before, and actually I abandoned it because I do not trust type C to stick out of the port as a dongle device. You don't see many of them, and I think it is because it is not sturdy enough. Well I guess we will find out.
