The LED strip displays live data for the following:  Wind direction, wind speed, barometer, temperature, temperature daily high and low, rain fall amount, rain fall intensity, lightning strikes, lightning strike distance.

The wind direction is represented on a circular ws2812.  The wind speed is represented by an animated bar moving up and down with the wind speed, a single LED marks the maximum gust.  Temperature is indicated by a green LED.  I had to cut the range from 100 down to 50 by using each LED to represent 2 degrees in temperature to keep the LED strip small enough to be usable.  Odd temperature values are indicated by two LEDs being the temp above and below.  At the top of the LED strip is a rain indicator.  Sold blue lights showing how much rain has fallen for the day and a dripping animation to show the current rain intensity, the longer the drip, the more intense the rain.  There is also a lightning strike indicator in the middle of the strip.  Every time a strike is detected, the strip flashes like lightning.  The larger the flash, the closer the lightning strike was.