
Power Supply has Arrived

A project log for Vacuum System for Deposition

I have been putting a system together for the past few years to do different kinds of deposition.

jerry-biehlerJerry Biehler 08/27/2015 at 04:570 Comments

The power supply showed up today. Barely made it here on it's pallet and just a bit of minor damage.

It was not banded very well and the fan box on top was ripped off. No big deal, took like 10 minutes to fix the box.

Popped it open to find mice had made a nest in a couple areas, one being on top of the giant power tetrode. Washed the tetrode down and it cleaned up pretty well, bet it is going to stink like all get out the first time it warms up! The second nest was vacuumed away. It appears they had no appetite for wiring like I have seen in the past.

Everything looks in pretty good shape, at some point a screw on one of the trays came out and the air ducting for the tetrode bent a bit. O this pic you can see black transformer and it's control contactor on the bottom left, the diode section is on the bottom right with discharge resistor for the filter capacitor. Top left is what I believe is a 240 to 120v control transformer. To its left is the cooling fan for the tetrode and I think the black potted transformers on the far left are for grid and screen control with the control card rack above.

Nothing terrible exciting on this side, you can see the tube socket/chimney on the far left and more discharge resistors below that.

Here you can see the huge Eimac 4CX15000A, 15kw, power tetrode that handles voltage regulation for the power supply. The filament transformer for it is on it's left. The tube's filament runs at 6.3v at 160 amps. The filament shows continuity so I am hoping it is good.

I am waiting for the parts to make the interconnecting cable between the power supply and it's controller to show up. I am also gathering the last couple parts to make the filament transformer box.
