
Remarkably Accurate Quartz Clock

Shooting for 10 sec/year accuracy with an ATmega and software-based, temperature-aware frequency correction

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Can I use cheap, everyday components and build a quartz clock that beats specialized RTCs and matches the best commercial timepieces? Let's find out!

32kHz quartz crystals typically have a ±20ppm (parts per million) frequency tolerance, which translates to drift potentially in excess of 10 minutes per year. Specialized RTCs like DS3231 promise ±2ppm, or about ±1 minute per year.

RAQC aims for drift below 10 seconds per year. To achieve this, it implements fine-grained frequency correction in software. It has a screen to adjust time with subsecond precision, and it measures the temperature at 10-minute intervals to compensate for dynamic drift. After calibrating repeatedly at incresingly long intervals, RAQC knows the crystal's static error with a 0.01ppm precision.

Energy-saving programming techniques and a low-power LCD display keep the clock's current draw under 15μA, promising 1.5 years of uptime on a CR2032 coin cell.

An experiment in accurate timekeeping

In late 2022 ZeptoBars shared an approach in the Sensor Watch community to boost that watch's accuracy through fine calibration and dithered error correction in software. This triggered my curiosity: can I reduce the approach to the bare minimum and build an exceptionally accurate clock using only ordinary components? Here is the result: a clock implemented in 8KB of firmware on an ATmega88V with a 60-cent quartz crystal. The clock is ticking and the experiment is in progress! The CR2032 coin cell battery should power it long enough for us to see how many seconds the clock drifts in a year, with room to spare.

The full source code, schematic, PCB and laser cutter design files are available in the Github repository. Some WIP threads from Mastodon are here and here.

User interface

Just like any old quartz clock, RAQC's user interface consists of a simple LCD display and a few buttons. In its default mode, when it's showing the current time, it looks like this:

The clock has a set of screens that you can navigate with short and long presses of the MODE button. The settings screens use the UP and DOWN buttons to change values.

Fine-tuning and calibrating

What makes RAQC different from a conventional digital clock is that you can set the time with sub-second precision without the need for good reflexes. Every time you you calibrate this way, RAQC updates the calculated error of its quartz crystal and becomes more accurate.

Here's how to calibrate the clock:

  • When you first insert a battery and start the clock, set the current time the usual way on the Set hours, Set minutes and Seconds to 0 screens.
  • Then go to the Adjust seconds screen and fine-tune using the method explained below. Long-press DOWN on the Delta error screen to apply the change.
  • Wait one or two days, until the clock drifts by up to a few seconds. Go to Adjust seconds and fine-tune. Long-press UP to apply the change and also update the calculated error.
  • The clock is now a lot more accurate. Wait a week or two until it drifts by up to a few seconds again. Repeat the previous calibration step. Wait a month or two and re-calibrate.
  • Verify the time every once in a while and repeat when the drift becomes noticeable. As the crystal ages, particularly in the first year, it is likely to become slower by about 1ppm per year. You might need to re-calibrate once or twice a year to compensate for this.

Precisely adjusting seconds

To fine-tune the time on RAQC, you need an accurate reference clock that shows seconds updating in real time. The clock on your laptop or cell phone is not good for this purpose, and neither is the time displayed by most websites. All of these update their time regularly so they're never off by a lot, but they're unlikely to be very accurate at any one moment.

Reliable sources of time are specialized websites like; devices that take their time from a GPS signal; or radio clocks that show the time from a long-wave signal like DCF77. The most straightforward of these is

The photo above shows RAQC's Adjust seconds screen. (The photo was taken at the prototype stage, but this works exactly the same in the final build.) "40" on the right is the current seconds value; it keeps ticking in real time. The value to the left of the dot, -4, is the current adjustment. In the background you can see a part of in a browser window, showing the true seconds value of "39". RAQC's time is a bit ahead of the truth, so we want to turn it back a little.

The adjustment value, which you can change using UP and DOWN, is in multiples of 1/32 seconds (31.25 milliseconds). A value of -4 means we're turning back the clock by 125 milliseconds.

Don't worry about the specific numbers you see here. Just keep adjusting up and down until the seconds on your clock and the seconds from are ticking in perfect synchrony. Then press MODE twice to go to the Delta error screen. There, store...

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  • Calibration & battery update 2024-03-27

    Gabor04/01/2024 at 16:16 0 comments

    I've tuned the clock 3 times since the last update. Before these, the last time had been September 27.

    2023-12-27: Battery: 2.973; tune: 40/32 sec late: new error: -7.44
    2024-02-14: Battery: 2.924; tune: 40/32 sec late: new error: -7.73
    2024-03-27: Battery: 2.881; tune: 48/32 sec late; new error: -8.14

    There seems to be a steady slide in the static error; I'm thinking I might be able to extrapolate from this and add an aging factor to compensate for most of it.

    The clock started its life on the final PCB with the current battery on March 16, 2024, over a year ago. I haven't drawn the voltage curve on a chart yet so I'm not read to speculate how long I expect it to go, but so far I'm pretty content - comfortably over a year is fine with me!

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-12-13

    Gabor12/13/2023 at 10:36 0 comments

    After the last tuning on September 27, the watch started to drift faster than before. I tuned again after only 2 weeks, on October 11. It ws 0.5 sec late; the error went from -6.85 to to -7.25 PPM.

    In the 2 months since then, the clock has grown late again, but only by less than a second. Not tuning yet.

    Battery measurements show a steady, slow slide:

    2023-10-25: 2.988 V
    2023-11-08: 2.984 V
    2023-12-13: 2.970 V

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-09-27

    Gabor09/28/2023 at 09:58 0 comments

    In 5 weeks the clock became 1.5 seconds late. This is an accelerating rate of drift after the many stable months leading up to the previous calibration! The updated error has gone from -6.37 PPM to -6.85 PPM. Extrapolating the currently corrected error, this would be about 15 seconds late per year.

    Battery is sinking noticeably too, now below the 3 V line at 2.998 V.

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-08-23

    Gabor08/24/2023 at 11:58 0 comments

    The clock accrued some noticable delay, being almost 2 seconds late. The calibration ended up being nudging the error from -6.19 PPM to -6.37 PPM. This was for 4 months, so it'd extrapolate to being 6 seconds later per year.

    Battery is at 3.011 V, but I measured values down to 3.003 in the past weeks. (It was at least 5 C colder then.)

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-07-19

    Gabor07/19/2023 at 10:59 0 comments

    It's been nearly 3 months since the last calibration. Clock is still less than 1 sec late. This would mean under 4 seconds per year?! I want to wait until it's above 1 second before I calibrate again.

    Battery is at 3.011V.

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-05-17

    Gabor05/17/2023 at 14:36 0 comments

    It's been 3 weeks since the last calibration. Clock is about 0.2 sec late (a subjective estimate, holding clock side-by-side with Drift not large enough for recalibration yet.

    Battery is at 3.006V.

  • Calibration & battery update 2023-04-25

    Gabor04/25/2023 at 10:28 0 comments

    I last calibrated the clock 34 days ago. Today it was about 0.4 sec late, which would translate into under 5 seconds per year. Battery in this time frame went from 3.092V to 3.009V.

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