
Final Notes on the Code, and a Bonus Game

A project log for Attiny10 Chiptunes

Chiptunes and simple musical games on a 36 cent chip. Some assembly required.

legionlabsLegionlabs 03/20/2023 at 03:270 Comments

So, why did we use entropy to vary the notes the song plays? Well, many years ago, I had a children’s toy called ‘Hot Potato’. It played ‘pop goes the weasel’, looping for a number of notes. Actually, it only had a few distinct places it could stop, so you could cheat a little by paying careful attention, but that’s besides the point. You tossed it around with your fellow children until the music stopped, and then the person holding it was out of the game. I figured it would be neat to replicate that function, so that we have a simple game made from the attiny10.

The actual chiptune sounds a bit off, because I have the musical talent of a stone (the stationary kind, not the precocious rolling variety). With patience I’ll hammer it out later. I also don't have a piezo that works well at 3V handy. Overall it works pretty OK though. I'll try to add a recording to the project files, but expect to be able to do better yourself.

Known Bugs

There are occasional memory glitches, probably from a bit of naive addressing on my part. I’ve added support for a zero-length note so you can push notes to less problematic memory addresses, troubleshooting it in detail is beyond the scope of what I set out to learn here. Once in a while, adjusting the note duration or frequency seems to fix rare bugs, which is weird. It shouldn’t help at all. It does though, and such is life. I’m sure when I find the reason some day, it will be something really cool.
