
Any Projects idea or Suggestions with these iteams

Any Projects idea or Suggestions with these iteams would help kinda lost and undecided

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Any Projects idea or Suggestions with these iteams ?

whats is some projects i can put together ?
Any recommended hacking tools i can make with these pieces or whats other pieces are good to have or get ?

any info or links would come in handy too thanks

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SapoRano wrote 04/27/2023 at 17:32 point

please make a component list man i can't see shit lol

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Michael Möller wrote 04/20/2023 at 22:22 point

I suggest you make a list of the (major) components you got there. (Use the Components-list in this project.) Easier to read than squinting at the picture.

Next google the components. Skip all the "good buy" suggestion (i.e. to page 2 or 3) and there will likely be project descriptions that use that component.

(I presume you got this bag of goodies at some sale or storage emptying event ... or ?)

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