
New Collaboration with Public Elementary School

A project log for EL-KiDS

EL-KiDS (Electronic for kids) is simple kit to learn about basic electronics

sekolah-robot-indonesiaSekolah Robot Indonesia 10/09/2023 at 12:464 Comments

The new school year has arrived, and along with it, we are witnessing increasingly rapid technological developments. One of the most interesting developments is the collaboration between the world of education and EL-KIDS. New schools around the world are increasingly understanding the importance of integrating this technology into their curriculum. Let's explore how this collaboration between robotics and new schools is providing great benefits to students and preparing them for a technology-filled future.


David Turner wrote 09/22/2024 at 19:16 point

You could say so. School programs haven't been updated for a long time. Moreover, so many technologies have appeared during this time. I wrote a paper about this using lab report writing service, I used for this. I studied a lot of issues and problem areas in many countries. It feels like there are advanced technologies everywhere, except for the educational sphere.

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teodoro76kianna296 wrote 09/22/2024 at 19:14 point

Like, have they finally started introducing technology into schools?

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teodoro76kianna296 wrote 09/22/2024 at 19:13 point

What are you talking about?

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David Turner wrote 09/22/2024 at 19:11 point

At least there's some good news somewhere.

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