
I'm Here (IH'23)

An integrated healthcare and well-being system for Alzheimer's patients to live a better life

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This project aims to develop a smart bracelet for Alzheimer's patients that integrates internet of things and AI technologies to provide healthcare and well-being. The device is water-resistant, can locate patients if they go out unaccompanied, and sends medication reminders through a chatbot. The project aligns with sustainable development goals and Egypt's 2030 vision for good health, innovation, and infrastructure. The prototype has been successfully implemented and tested, with plans to enhance its performance in the future, including GPS Indoor locator, solar panels, a SIM module, and AI techniques. The project involved reviewing research, planning, selecting device parts, building, testing, and analysis.

Project Abstract: - 

Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the elderly. It affects these people and their families negatively, both physically and psychologically. Therefore, this project aims to create a device in the form of a smart bracelet with technologies internet of things and Artificial intelligence an integrated health care and well-being system help the Alzheimer’s patients to live a better life with less affordable price, higher performance and does not affect his psychological or physical condition. One of the most important of that device is that it is water-resistant so that it can be worn throughout its daily life. The device can locate the Alzheimer's patient if he is left unaccompanied and display his location on the mobile phone connected to the device, thus facilitating finding to the person with Alzheimer's disease. And it provides him with other advantages and possibilities that help to save his life by sending an alarm at the time of his medication and his personal interviews by voice. The application also contains some instructions for Alzheimer's patients to maintain their privacy and data. It also contains other features such as follow-up of the Alzheimer’s patient’s medical condition and send it to his companion through an application available on the bracelet. So, this device keeps pace with the sustainable development goals and Egypt's 2030 vision. As it can contribute to achieve sustainable development third goal: good health and well-being and ninth goal: Innovation, industry, infrastructure.

Introduction: -

Today, the world is heavily dependent on technology It has become necessary to take care of its implementation in various fields of life perhaps one of the most important areas in which technology can employ the medical field for its applications in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases one of the most important medical achievements of modern times are the various medical applications that try to help people maintain their health the most important of which are applications that calculate calories in food, improve the nature of sleep, and measure heartbeats in addition to the tools that can be used to determine the health status of the user and inform them immediately.

One of the most prominent diseases requiring ongoing care and follow-up is Alzheimer's disease according to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition (2021) the disease is characterized by deterioration in memory, thinking, behavior and the ability to carry out daily activities, primarily affecting the elderly according to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 47.5 million infected people worldwide.

Perhaps one of the most important technological applications in this case is to raise the level of safety if the person with Alzheimer's disease moves unaccompanied. The current project aims to provide a smart bracelet to make it easier to find the Alzheimer's patients if they leave unaccompanied its innovative design, waterproof that integrates well-being with health care in one way so that the Alzheimer’s patient can live his life better by locating him in the event of his leaving unaccompanied and reminding him of his treatment dates the bracelet also contains a database that stores any data that needs to be added, whether images or texts. Which helps in achieving the economic income for their families and their concentration in their businesses, and then the project works to achieve the innovative, pioneering and humanitarian part of the sustainable development goals and Egypt’s Vision 2030 to keep pace with the labor market. 

Project Problem: - 

Alzheimer's disease is a life-threatening disease. It has physical, psychological, social and economic effects on those who care for patients, their families and communities. The disease leads to deterioration in memory, thinking and behavior in people with it, especially the elderly. One of the most important problems...

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  • 1 × Wires A wire is a single usually cylindrical, flexible strand or rod of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical loads or electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is commonly formed by drawing the metal through a hole in a die or draw plate. Wire comes in solid core, stranded, or braided forms.
  • 1 × NODE MCU ESP.32 as a module wifi by IOT Technology and IOT Applications like (Blynk is a IOT Software) to make an IOT App: • Robust Design: ESP32 is capable of functioning reliably in industrial environments, with an operating temperature ranging from -40°C to +125°C. Powered by advanced calibration circuitries, ESP32 can dynamically remove external circuit imperfections and adapt to changes in external conditions. • Ultra-Low Power Consumption: Engineered for mobile devices, wearable electronics and IOT applications, ESP32 achieves ultra-low power consumption with a combination of several types of proprietary software. ESP32 also includes state-of-the-art features, such as fine-grained clock gating, various power modes and dynamic power scaling. • High Level of Integration: ESP32 is highly-integrated with in-built antenna switches, RF, power amplifier, low-noise receive amplifier, filters, and power management modules. ESP32 adds priceless functionality and versatility to your applications with minimal Printed Circuit Board (PCB) requirements. • Hybrid Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Chip: ESP32 can perform as a complete standalone system or as a slave device to a host MCU, reducing communication stack overhead on the main application processor. ESP32 can interface with other systems to provide Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality through its SPI / SDIO or I2C / UART interfaces.
  • 1 × Voltage Regulator 7805 The 7805 Voltage Regulator IC is a commonly used voltage regulator that finds its application in most of the electronics projects. It provides a constant +5V output voltage for a variable input voltage supply.
  • 1 × PCB board
  • 1 × Two lithium batteries with holder

View all 9 components

  • I'm Here project logs

    Yassin Ali Salah Ali04/26/2023 at 11:05 0 comments

    Here are some project logs for the "I'm Here" smart bracelet project:

    1. Project kickoff: The project was initiated with the goal of developing a smart bracelet device that could help Alzheimer's patients live a better life with less impact on their physical and psychological health.
    2. Research and planning: The team researched existing technology and devices used by Alzheimer's patients, reviewed statistics and previous research, and planned the initial design of the device.
    3. Component selection and cost estimation: The team selected the necessary components for the device, such as microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless modules, and estimated the cost of the components.
    4. Prototype building and testing: The team started building the prototype by assembling the selected components and testing the device to ensure it could locate Alzheimer's patients if they went out unaccompanied and send medication reminders through a chatbot.
    5. Optimization and enhancements: Based on the test results, the team optimized the prototype to improve performance, including adding a SIM module, solar panels, and NODE MCU Esp.32 to enhance the range of the device.
    6. Final design and production: Once the prototype was optimized and tested, the team finalized the design and prepared the device for production.
    7. Distribution and implementation: The final product was distributed to Alzheimer's patients and their families to help improve their health and well-being.

View project log

  • 1
    Plan and design the device

    Review statistics and research related to Alzheimer's care and previous devices used by Alzheimer's patients. Plan the initial design of the device, including the features it will have and the materials and components needed.

  • 2
    Select the device parts

    Based on the design plan, select the necessary components such as microcontroller, battery, sensors, and wireless modules.

  • 3
    Calculate the cost of components

    Estimate the cost of the components to ensure the project stays within budget.

View all 9 instructions

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samiawan4422 wrote 08/18/2024 at 05:56 point

This sounds like a really impactful project! I’m curious about a few details: how does the smart bracelet handle indoor GPS tracking since that can be tricky? Also, how does the medication reminder system work is it customizable for different medications and schedules? And for the data privacy aspect, what kind of security measures are in place to protect the patient’s information? Finally, what future enhancements are planned beyond the ones mentioned, like the solar panels and SIM module?

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