The project involves hacking the bought LED units and ad some sensors to activate the led sequence. The idea is to do it from one micro-controller since we need just 14 channels to drive the LED units. The LED unit contains 3 serried individual diodes that are potted and got there own series resistor (So long for constant current driving).
I've got the project installed in a stairway at a friend. We had to adjust the sensors a bit the first time after i made some adjustments on the sensor mounting side. I soldered a riggid cable on the ground base so i can bend it like i wanted too.
It's all still working after a few weeks and its a lot of fun to chase the LED's, but watch your step or else you wil catch them with your face :)
Since a few days I've wired the circuit board. Soldered in the MCU with its own breakout PCB. Have had a little trouble with the UTP cable that i use for connecting the sensors. They are solid and tend to break quite easily.
Now its time for installing it, and give it a test run.