
Touch pad to demonstrate STM32L4 touch sense controller

A project log for Arduino-Programmable Cortex M4F Development Boards

Program an STM32L4 Cortex M4F with the Arduino IDE via USB

kris-winerKris Winer 01/10/2017 at 21:500 Comments

Our kickstarter did not meet its goal but we now have 100 or so people who know about this project and want these boards. That is a success!

We created a store on Tindie where we will offer the Ladybug and Butterfly Development Boards as well as useful accessories as we design and assemble them.

The latest accessory is a touch pad to make use of the touch sense controller embedded in the STM32L4. There are three useable touch pins on Ladybug, six on Butterfly and twelve on Dragonfly in groups of three. The touch pad has two sets of three finger pads connected to edge pins including the required reference connector. The way the touch sense controller works is the reference capacitor is charged and compared to the sensing capacitor to determine if and when a pad was touched.

Here is a link to an ST presentation describing the touch sense controller.

We want to have sufficient hardware peripherals available (the touch pad will be listed at Tindie when we have tested it) to allow users to make full use of the STM32L4 using the Arduino IDE. Even though the expectation is that most users will design custom hardware using the development boards and their peripherals as templates, it is always better to have a working example first before the designs are diverted to custom applications.
