Motor and encoder test
05/16/2023 at 17:10 • 0 commentsIt took me a while to figure out the wiring of the encoder PCB. It is as follows:
After soldering pin headers to the motor wires, the rotary encoder was tested with an Arduino Mega.
I took the test code from the Arduino project hub.
int counter=0; String dir=""; unsigned long last_run=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), shaft_moved, FALLING); pinMode(4,INPUT); } void shaft_moved(){ if (millis()-last_run>5){ if (digitalRead(4)==1){ counter++; dir="CW"; } if (digitalRead(4)==0){ counter--; dir="CCW";} last_run=millis(); } } void loop() { Serial.print("counter : "); Serial.print(counter); Serial.print(" direction : "); Serial.println(dir); }
The rotary encoder has a resolution of six counts per revolution of the motor shaft. A motor driver with a break function is certainly required, plus PID control.
Finally, I changed the motors, which is absolutely no problem. For this, only two screws have to be loosened with a small Phillips screwdriver.