
PH/Temperature sensor platform now in the garden

A project log for PH & Temperature Sensor to monitoring Hydroponics

Sensor platform for monitoring PH, Temperature, 02 absorption, and conductivity for Hydroponics Systems

brian-whartonBrian Wharton 01/10/2017 at 22:120 Comments

Now have the sensor platform out in the garden. I used the following components to get things weatherproof and run power.

  1. Weatherproof indoor/outdoor box to hold my sensor platform and power
  2. 1' power cord extensions to make it easy to plug in "wall wort" for microcontroller power
  3. Power stake to split extension so that I can run pump and sensor platform

Here is the inside of the box

Here it is hooked up to the hydroponics tower structure. I am not happy with the organization. I think I will want to mount it to the tower structure. but right now, it works.

I have more information on my blog here:
