
Meh. New Z is fail.

A project log for Minamil 3dp: another minimal CNC mill

A very compact, very inexpensive, very DIYable, very precise little CNC mill. This one uses 3d printed parts.

paul-mcclayPaul McClay 05/03/2024 at 22:263 Comments

Pretty but not stiff. Time to learn me some FEA? Back to the drawing board.

Thumb nuts > bunch of screws.


Gravis wrote 07/02/2024 at 23:21 point

Use plain old FEA? Never! Instead you should use isogeometric analysis because it's needlessly more complex by using B-splines for everything! :)

Sometimes I think mathematicians get bored of easy solutions so they invent much harder solutions.

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Paul McClay wrote 07/05/2024 at 02:13 point

Hey neat! I didn't know about isogeometric analysis. Dunno if I'll ever actually use it but it looks like fun reading. 

Maybe mathematicians use different definitions of "easy" and "hard".  

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Gravis wrote 07/05/2024 at 13:40 point

It's only useful if you are using NURBS to define your structure. NURBS were once seen as the possible path toward better 3d objects because they are based on trigonometric functions and therefore have infinite precision. However, NURBS has mostly fallen by the wayside due to the computational complexity of doing basic things like collision detection. The infinite precision of NURBS may be great in niche situations where computational power is not a factor but it's mostly a dead technology.

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