• Smart Alarm v2

    Fabian07/22/2017 at 07:39 0 comments

    Just published the instructions and code of our brand new version 2 of the smart alarm project on github:


    Make sure to also check out the git wiki

  • Move to a new Case

    Fabian03/05/2017 at 17:24 0 comments

    Moving the Smart Alarm to a new 3d printed case. Now with provided openings for the 5050 LEDs (APA102).

    Sadly the button didn't print very well. But check out the new "all-closed-display-cover". Three layers of PLA suddenly turns my white alphanumeric display into a green one =) love it!

  • Equip RGB LEDs

    Fabian03/05/2017 at 17:13 0 comments

    Planing of adding RGB LEDs to the smart alarm project.

    Comfortable rainbow wake up here I come!