To have a better range, you should use a better/big coil. I had tested a coil that transmit in a range of 4 inches without problem.
I will use the same bluetooth board in different boxes or cases, to see how strong are the waves in different environments and scenarios.
Hello sir, I was just wondering if you could display 2 magstripe info at once using Bluespoof? If so, what approach to I make to the program? Ive read your blog about Bluespoof and I tried to remake the project. I also tried to modify the MalfunctionMag code and the commands in ViolentMag in order to display 2 magstripe data (track 1 and track 2) at once but it still doesn't work. I was hoping that you could help me for this is my first task as an intern and it has been 2 weeks and I still could not make it work.